The Glorious Appearance of the Sugar Maple Tree

One of the most spectacular visions in fall is the gorgeous Sugar Maple tree! Throughout most of the year, this hardy tree is green. However, in fall, the leaves turn such a brilliant color of yellow and orange that no one can ignore it beauty. This is one tree you simply cannot take for granted. In the sea of greens and falling leaves, the sugar maple tree will grab and hold your attention.
The image on the right is a photo of the Sugar Maple tree in my own front yard. I took this photo on Oct. 22. As you can see, the tree still has a touch of the summer green leave, but the leaves were quickly changing to yellow and orange.
I love all of the trees in my yard, but none are more stunningly beautiful than the Sugar Maple tree in fall.
You can tell by the trunk that my tree is still young. She was only 18 years old when this photo was taken.
The Sugar Maple Tree (Acer saccharum)

- Sap used to Make Maple Syrup
- Dark Green Leaves in the Summer
- Yellow & Orange Leaves in the Fall
- Grows up to 100 ft. Tall
- Oval Shaped with a 30 – 80 ft. spread depending on height & age
- Average Life ~ Over 100 years (some have lived over 400 years)
- Deciduous
- Partial Shade to Full Sun
- Thrives in Well-Drained somewhat Acid Soil
- High tolerance for hot, dry conditions
- Storm-sturdy
- USDA Hardiness Zones include 3 – 8
Note: When selecting a place to plant a young tree, consider how huge it will actually be when mature. Like many slow growing hardwood trees, a young tree can be very deceptive in size. Think huge shade tree when you consider a Sugar Maple tree’s placement.
Sugar Maple Tree Care and Selection
Minimal demands on the “gardener” in your home. There is very little care required for a sugar maple tree beyond selecting the right planting placement. A sugar maple tree can be planted in most zones in spring, summer or fall. With any newly planted tree, simply make sure you water daily. I recommend purchasing a native tree from a local nursery in your own area or Buy Maple Trees Online from Nature Hills Nursery. They will ship at the proper planting time with instructions for immediate care and planting.